Our prices

  • Here you can download the current price list. If an urn from the shop is not yet listed, its price is also approximately in this range.
  • Do you have a question? Please use the contact form or send an email to info@jessicaaman.de.
  • In accordance with §19 (1) of the VAT Act, no VAT is charged.

Prices for funeral directors

  • You are a funeral director and would like to know more about the conditions for funeral directors? I will be happy to send you a price list and information material. Simply enter your address in the contact form and write “price list for funeral directors” in the subject line.


  • Shipping within Germany and to other European countries on request.
  • Single orders from the assortment are usually ready for shipment within 5 – 15 working days after receipt of payment.
  • For larger quantities, we will discuss the delivery time with you.
  • If the urn is needed more quickly for a funeral, please contact me by email or phone. I will do my best to ship faster.