Studies and degrees
- M.A. Art Therapy. Weißensee School of Art | College for Art Therapy Berlin, 2011
- B.A. Social Work. FH Campus Vienna, 1998
- Funeral care with focus on the bereavement and grief process. Memento Kultur:Trauer e.V. Berlin, 2023 – 2024
- Certification as a Death Doula and bereavement councellor, Sterbeammenakademie Hamburg, 2020 – 2022
- Certification in palliative care for psychosocial professions /professionals. DFA Hamburg, 2021
- Certification in psycho-oncological art therapy. Mildreed Scheel Academy Cologne of the German Cancer Aid, 2019
Professional experience
- Freelance work as an assistent in funeral care for alternative Funeral homes, since 2022
- Freelance work as a death and grief counsellor, since 2021
- Artistic design of urns and coffins, since 2022
- Internships with alternative Funeral homes Memento Bestattungen and Junimond, 2021- 2022
- Art therapy in a clinic for palliative medicine and interdisciplinary oncology for adults, 2015 – 2022
- Art therapy work in a clinic for paediatric medicine and psychosomatics, 2015 – 2022
- Art therapy work in the field of clinical child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy, 2015 – 2017
- Art therapy in a psychosomatic rehabilitation clinic inpatient rehabilitation for mothers and their children, 2011 – 2014
- “Queer Colors”, open studio group for LGBTIQ, 2012 – 2016
- Project “I Name Myself”, artistic self-empowerment for young LGBTIQ in cooperation with Lambda Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., 2014 – 2015
- Individual art therapy support for young people for outpatient youth welfare organisations, 2014 – 2015
- “Queer Empowerment by Art”, EU project for LGBTIQ from different countries in cooperation with TransInterQueer e.V., 2012 – 2013
- Workshops on artistic self-empowerment for LGBTIQ, LesMigras/StandUp, 2012
- Artistic self-awareness workshops for adolescents and young adults, e.g. on body & beauty norms in the context of open work with girls and in the voluntary social year and 2012 – 2015
- Social work in various fields of outpatient and inpatient social pedagogical support (crisis centre, individual support, family support) as well as street social work with young people as well as people who work as sex workers, 1994 – 2011
Further education
- Ritual Design for funerals: Modul on grief and mourning. memento Kultur:Trauer e.V. Berlin, 2022
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction according to Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn. Silke Hilgers Berlin, 2019 / 2020
- Resource-oriented biography work. Sfbb Berlin-Brandenburg, 2019
- Creative memory work. Vergiss mein nie / Leuchtfeuer Lotsenhaus, Hamburg, 2019
- Nonverbal communication in end-of-life care. Astrid Steinmetz | KoW, 2018
- Mindfulness in psychotherapy. AWP Berlin 2017
- Grief counselling for children and adults. Marianne van Kempen | Sfbb Berlin-Brandenburg, 2016 / 2017
- Trauma art therapy. Alanus University School 2016
- Emotional support for tumour patients. Wannsee Schools Berlin, 2015
- Humour in end-of-life care. Wannsee Schools Berlin, 2015
- Dignity-centred psycho-oncology. TumorZentrumBerlin e.V. 2015
- Transidentity in children and adolescents. LADS Berlin 2012
- Depression research. Charité Berlin, 2012
- Therapeutic work with children and young people in the context of sexual and gender identity. Gay Counselling Berlin, 2011
- Developmental psychiatry and sexual medicine. Vivantes Klinikum im Friedrichshain, Berlin, 2011
Experiences from the working world that I also bring with me
Part-time jobs as an outpatient care / nursing assistant, as an aide in an old people’s home, in a call centre, as a care taker for youth tours for youth with disabilities, household help, handicraft course leader, seamstress in industrial production, with a puppet maker and costume designer and as a helping hand at sand sculpture festivals.